Christmas Stamp

Bound Item

Event Item

Celebrate the Joy of Christmas in World of Chantra! This festive season, earn exclusive rewards by completing the Frostbite Wastes Daily Task. Collect Christmas Stamps and bring them to the Event NPC to exchange them for amazing items: 7 Stamps = 50x Shrine Coin 14 Stamps = 5000x Divine Grit, 5000x Abyssal Shard, 5000x Ethereal Gem, 5000x Twisted Mallet 21 Stamps = 1x Prestige Reinforcement Potion or 1x Accurate Prestige Potion or 1x Dissolving Prestige Potion 28 Stamps = 1x Christmas Wings <Limited Edition> <Lv7> Don’t miss your chance to make this holiday season magical with these special rewards!