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Metal shield rusted by monsters

Sharp and pointed Tooth of a Dark Wyvern

The source of Kobolt Sorcerer's magic power

Rough skin that you can use freely without caution

The Skin of a Spriggan Warrior sent by Betrayer Dikain to keep an eye on Halien

Oil with high purity used to cook high-class cuisine

Blueprint of Stull designed by genius Architect Tungwei

Wine bottle used by drunken Master Loncheng

Red Lamp used in DragonScion funerals

Travel diary of Traveler Zenbor

Herb that boosts the energy of a weakened patient

Cookbook of Cook Aten in Sariend

Guidebook that Front Guards must carry It explains the Front Guard behavior and mindset

Very expensive necklace that Merchant Guwenfield in Stull lost

Talisman of Bloodvess can block the power of the DragonScion

Heirloom frying pan, a Chef's family treasure

Flower, made of stone, grows only in Srilkil

Treasure Chest found in Treasure Valley

Map of Forgotten Treasure Chest

Cloak of Magical Power worn by Bloodvess, a Shaman in Nordenland

Pure stone crystal, said to be heaver than normal metal

Seal verified by Elder Shioren in Stull

Prey from your victim that allow you to make new accesories

Shattered Jewel split by an external force It is not identified that which one was divided

Alchemy Stone Tablet used for summoning rituals

Scroll that carries teachings of an unknown master

Cursed book that holds spiteful memories

Travel diary of Traveler Jogeff

Logbook that an ascetic recorded the train details. It is not identified that who wrote it.

Young Lich's Blood with green color

Black feathers of a Blade Crow, very soft

Hammer that Master Dordon of the DragonScion once used

Treasure Chest Key found in Treasure Valley

Staff that only Elders in Stull can obtain It seems that you can use it for other purposes

Alchemy cauldron that Alchemist Huen uses

Yellow Talisman that has healing power

Stull Guard Hjullan's Permission

Miraculous Medicine restores stamina

Curry cooked by Chef O'Conner in Stull It's famous for its great taste

Coins found in Treasure Valley

Mysterious box found in Treasure Valley The contents in the box are unknown

Very important ring that can activate defense magic of Stull

Beautiful aromatic flower, great as a present for a loved one

Ascetics frequently visit this site to battle that monster which has enchanted bat's magic-resistant skin

Rock Torge's Leaf

Boar meat that is tough but delicious

Half-broken Sword Hilt

Half-broken Key Piece

Flag kept by Spriggan Soldiers

Herb that can make DragonScion Ascetics more astute

Lugett's potion that can neutralize poison of Amunesia

Hard bone obtained from Canedog Slave corpse

Dark red Rose that grows only on Blood Mountain Collectors look for it due to its beauty

Transparent Dagger of Peacemaker, an Assassin in Nordenland

Map that Ascetic Tolgis in Tonfa found The purpose of map is unknown

Traditional Wine that DragonScions like They drink it in every festival

Coronet on which a strong curse is cast Many Ascetics lost their lives after trying to wear it

Crusher Werewolf's agile Tail The rich often want the tail due to its softness and beautiful color

Red Spice Grass that grows around the Blood Mountain

Volcanic Ash found on the Glendestin Volcano Used in metal crafting

Metal mask that Executors always wear

Proof of fellowship between the Human and the DragonScion

Boar's favorite grass Ascetics use it for hunting boars

Jar not melted by lava It is often used in Halien

Glass bottle not melted by lava It is often used in Halien

Proof you can obtain in the land of Awakening Any ascetics who gets this proof can try the Chantra Barrier test.

Pendant used to test Ascetics who want to go to Ranfa Requires great courage to obtain

Silver Moth Wings used for decoration due to their color

Potion that can calm down outrageous Irion

Bandillion Scout's Scroll

The Potion's effectiveness to slow aging is not guaranteed

Broiled Meat increases vitality

Bandillion Guard's heavy Mace

A mace swallowed by a Blue Cube It has been well preserved in Blue Cube mucus

Tree stem collected from a Young Torge Travelers use it as a rope

Trumpet used for commanding by Bandillion Boss

DragonScion Book of Laws, passed down for centuries

Hypolynx metamorphosis when consumed

Grinder metamorphosis when consumed

Glutton metamorphosis when consumed

Irion metamorphosis when consumed

Coremaster metamorphosis when consumed

Patriot metamorphosis when consumed

Tragger metamorphosis when consumed

Bloodvess metamorphosis when consumed

Executor metamorphosis when consumed

Chariot metamorphosis when consumed

Peacemaker metamorphosis when consumed

Gold Gatherer metamorphosis when consumed

Forsaken metamorphosis when consumed

Hollow metamorphosis when consumed

Lanternrider metamorphosis when consumed

Dragger metamorphosis when consumed

Grider metamorphosis when consumed

Patriot Major's large, hard Horn

Young Torge's Leaf It is used as a potion compound

Bead that tests the evolution state of the DragonScion

Blue Gauntlets used by Tragger Zwei

The hide most widely used in the Chantra Continent with Wolf's Hide Nothing special

Plume used by Tragger Drai for helmet decoration