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The soil soaked with the blood of the traveler who died in Grand Crimson

The pendant that holds fresh blood

Alchemist tool used for resurrection spell

Special stones that are planted on the dead line, to show the direction to travelers

The talisman that enhances mind power to prevent getting lost

This shield can bounce back curses

The weapon that legendary hero Himula buried in the ground of Silancium

Magic bottle with elemental patterns on it It glitters

Very important stamp of Ivory Grave village Its function or ability is unknown

Orc's urn that was found in Ivory Grave village

Dreary talisman with traveler's blood on it

Necklace that has strong spells carved on it

Propaganda for attracting believers

Strange plant that grows in desert It can be used for either medicine or poison, so should be handled with care

Heart of vampire Shocker It has strong magical power

Swindlers send this letter to notify each other of the situation

Precious armor that is Barrakas's family treasure

Specially prescribed for Dag by Deathnote Ingredients unknown

The slate with text about Grim Reaper carved into it

Magical slate used for Grim Reaper's spells

Magical slate used for Grim Reaper's spells

Magical slate used for Grim Reaper's spells

Items hidden by Maxiliaren for a treasure hunt

The ticket needed for Maxilliaren's treasure hunt

The letter tightly sealed by Kuro

Usus' followers wrote important content on this letter

The circular plate on which the Usus' followers are written

Friend's letter that is intended to be sent to Barrakas

The sword of a mercenary named Zarkas

Pendant made by the MoonElves. It is used for various purposes.

This golden helmet has discolored over time, but is still expensive

The Dagger with black magic power is very hard to find

The living sword that warrior Kros used to have

The jar full of honey from Belazuela flower

This item gives you an additional 20% XP and 10% Gold for 60 mins during hunting

Talisman that makes you realize your potential This item gives you an additional XP and Gold for a certain time Bonus XP +20% Bonus Gold +10% Duration: 1 day If you refine two unused Talismans of Awakening <1 day>, you can obtain a Awakening Boost Chest Lv 1 that contains a boosted Talisman of Awakening

Talisman that makes you realize your potential This item gives you an additional XP and Gold for a certain time Bonus XP +20% Bonus Gold +10% Duration: 3 days If you refine two unused Talismans of Awakening <3 days>, you can obtain a Awakening Boost Chest Lv 2 that contains a boosted Talisman of Awakening

Talisman that makes you realize your potential This item gives you an additional XP and Gold for a certain time Bonus XP +20% Bonus Gold +10% Duration: 14 days If you refine two unused Talismans of Awakening <14 days>, you can obtain a Awakening Boost Chest Lv 3 that contains a boosted Talisman of Awakening

The document that has detailed diagram of the structure of the Milieu

Rusty armor that was abandoned after traveler died

Shield that was abandoned after traveler died

The book of alchemy written by alchemist Ishtarius

It is said that this magnetite was converted from the scales of a giant serpent Brambattle

Romiteus invented this compass with the utmost effort, It may not work

Ancient ring that was suddenly found It has strong malevolent energy

The trap that is specially designed to catch desert moles

The piece of leather that was found in Silancium by Scar

A pouch of leather pieces that were gathered in Silancium

Military emblem of Samlan Kingdom

Magic staff of Samlan Kingdom The keeper of this staff is automatically healed of wounds

Strange map that is thought to have been made by Basara

The magic ring that makes the invisible apparent

The inside of this bottle is not visible

The talisman with the ability to absorb water indefinitely

Bag that Dolly bought The contents is not known

It is said that Basara left this box in Silancium. The contents are not known.

This talisman contaminates water. The more you drink, the thirstier you get.

Those who are cursed by this ancient document cannot make any money and become a beggar

Emerald that is as large as a child's fist

The purse that Felicia lost

Manuscript document that is written in strange alphabet and is difficult to understand

This is thought to be the clothes of traveler. Something is written in blood on it.

The shield of Valiantran who died in the land of Orcs

The liquor brewed by Redflag thieves It is famous for its great taste

The flag that indicates the road to Terranoa

High-class opal with high purity. It is traded at a very high price.

Mercenary's bone that is washed out to white

Mercenary's bone that is washed out to white

Mercenary's bone that is washed out to white

Bone of a mercenary named Vardok. There is a deep wound on the crown.

Legendary axe of Vardok

The luggage lost by traveler

Suspicious book that wizards found in desert There is small lock on it

Magicians drove this desert rhino

Worn-out boots. Small amount of blood is on them.

The letters that were left by runaway lovers

The meat was attached with jewels in the Jewel Land

The bag that holds gemstones

Sapphire polished by Givinia

The mark materialized for judge's test by elementals

One of the proofs offered to elemental judge

Famous bow that was lost by a MoonElf named Graham

The book of stories about Mastook's Eye

Mastook's eyes with clairvoyance ability

The ring the traveler left. It has curious glimmer and suspicious noise.

The seal that blocks Air magic

The bag that Mybling's servant had attached to their waist

Powerful talisman that is used to break magic

The box that holds clay dolls

The mace used by thief KIing Arambur

Falcon's favorite knife

The wand that is soaked with traveler's blood. It emits dismal power.

It is said that the traveler with black robes gave this stamp

Horn of the monster in the west Pharasus

The crystal that is created when the soul of Seina, the friend of Zwan, was sucked up by the magic of Uru

Recover HP greatly

The letter of introduction that is scribbled in the Cobolt alphabet