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Pet Reinforcement Manual When it is combined with Pet at the Refinery, you can obtain higher rank Pet Depending on the rank, you can fail to obtain it In case of failure, you can obtain Pet <Rank 3>

Reset all your skills You can reset all your skills

Using this will teleport you to the Lightning Realm Cannot be used during combat or in dangerous Battle area.

Using this will teleport you to the Poison Realm Cannot be used during combat or in dangerous Battle area.

Autumn sale that provides bargain prices for many items! The package also has a firecracker feature Contents: 10,000 Lens Stones 10 Gold Keys for Treasure Chests 20 Silver Keys for Treasure Chests 1 Talisman of Awakening <3 days> 1 Lucky Charm <1 day> 10 Gates of Phantom

Autumn sale that provides bargain prices for many items! The package also has a firecracker feature Contents: 25,000 Lens Stones 1 Talisman of Awakening <14 days> 1 Talisman of Heavenly Luck <14 days> 1 Cloak of Elemental Mastery <3 days> 5 Gold Keys for Treasure Chests 10 Silver Keys for Treasure Chests 20 Extra-large Giant Potions+ 20 Extra-large Evasion Potions+

Autumn sale that provides bargain prices for many items! The package also has a firecracker feature Contents: 30,000 Lens Stones 1 Talisman of Awakening <14 days> 1 Talisman of Heavenly Luck <14 days> 1 Cloak of Elemental Mastery <14 days> 1 Wing Chest 5 Gold Keys for Treasure Chests 10 Silver Keys for Treasure Chests 20 Extra-large Giant Potions+ 20 Extra-large Evasion Potions+

A token worth 1 CC. Allows you to purchase an item in the 'Tokens' tab of the Chantra Shop.

Super Talisman of Awakening It has more unique abilities than a normal Talisman of Awakening does This item gives you additional XP and Gold Bonus XP +50% Bonus Gold +20% Duration: 1 day

Super Talisman of Awakening It has more unique abilities than a normal Talisman of Awakening does This item gives you additional XP and Gold Bonus XP +50% Bonus Gold +20% Duration: 3 days

Super Talisman of Awakening It has more unique abilities than a normal Talisman of Awakening does This item gives you additional XP and Gold Bonus XP +50% Bonus Gold +20% Duration: 14 days

Super Lucky Charm It has more unique abilities than a normal Lucky Charm does You can gain additional Gold and items Bonus Gold +40% Drop Rate +100% Duration: 1 day

Super Lucky Charm It has more unique abilities than a normal Lucky Charm does You can gain additional Gold and items Bonus Gold +40% Drop Rate +100% Duration: 3 days

Super Lucky Charm It has more unique abilities than a normal Lucky Charm does You can gain additional Gold and items Bonus Gold +40% Drop Rate +100% Duration: 14 days

Super Cloak of Elemental Mastery It has more special abilities than a normal Cloak of Elemental Mastery does Increases Prismatic Damage and All Elemental Resistances All Elemental Attacks +10 All Elemental Resistances +15% Duration: 1 day

Super Cloak of Elemental Mastery It has more special abilities than a normal Cloak of Elemental Mastery does Increases Prismatic Damage and All Elemental Resistances All Elemental Attacks +10 All Elemental Resistances +15% Duration: 3 days

Super Cloak of Elemental Mastery It has more special abilities than a normal Cloak of Elemental Mastery does Increases Prismatic Damage and All Elemental Resistances All Elemental Attacks +10 All Elemental Resistances +15% Duration: 14 days

Talisman that makes you realize your potential This item gives you an additional XP and Gold for a certain time Bonus XP +30% Bonus Gold +20% Duration: 1 day

Talisman that makes you realize your potential This item gives you an additional XP and Gold for a certain time Bonus XP +30% Bonus Gold +20% Duration: 3 days

Talisman that makes you realize your potential This item gives you an additional XP and Gold for a certain time Bonus XP +30% Bonus Gold +20% Duration: 14 days

A box with Rat Pets with various abilities Each rat has different ability Nobody knows what kind of rat comes out first

This package contains three Rat Pet Boxes A firecracker feature is attached to the package itself Each box has various rats Rat Pet Box itself is not a bound item

Knotted string for wishing family happiness Put this item into a Refinery with other items to create a new item Using this will give you a special ability Defense +5 Duration: 5 min Cooldown: 6 min 3 Strings of Family Happiness + 3 Beads of Love = Toy of Blessing 3 Strings of Family Happiness + 3 Beads of Love + 3 Beads of Friendship = Box of Mirth

Bead made to wish for true love If you put this with other items into the Refinery, you can create a new item It has similar features to a Unique Firecracker Heart 3 Strings of Family Happiness + 3 Beads of Love = Toy of Blessing 3 Beads of Love + 3 Beads of Friendship = Moon Welcoming Toy 3 Strings of Family Happiness + 3 Beads of Love + 3 Beads of Friendship = Box of Mirth

Bead made to wish for true friendship Put this item into a Refinery with other items to create a new item. Grants you special abilities. Max. HP +10 Duration: 5 min Cooldown: 6 min 3 Strings of Family Happiness + 3 Beads of Friendship = Application Ticket for Thanksgiving Gift 3 Strings of Family Happiness + 3 Beads of Love + 3 Beads of Friendship = Thanksgiving Gift Box

Toy of blessing that enhances all of your abilities Defense +10 All Elemental Defenses +10% Duration: 5 min Cooldown: 6 min

Toy imbued with the moonlight that grants special abilities HP +50 Fire Damage +10 Duration: 5 min Cooldown: 6 min

Magic Box containing various items Nobody knows what item comes out first

A box containing Pet Lu Nobody knows what rank Pet comes out

A box containing Pet Lu and the Chantra Items Nobody knows which item comes out

Helps you with Heavenly Luck to obtain hard-to-get items Gold Drop Amount +20% Normal Item Drop Rate +50% Unique Accessory, Elemental World Passport and Prayer Stones including return item drop rate x2 Duration: 3 days Cannot be used together with a Lucky Charm.

DragonScion Slayer metamorphosis when consumed

DragonScion Orbiter metamorphosis when consumed

DragonScion Summoner metamorphosis when consumed

A necklace that provides up to 3 Links of Contract and additional skills Grants up to three skills of Level 15 or below among all skills exclusive to Scions on random basis

A necklace that provides up to 4 Links of Contract and additional skills Grants up to three skills of Level 30 or below among all skills exclusive to Scions on random basis

A necklace that provides up to 5 Links of Contract and additional skills Grants up to three skills of Level 50 or below among all skills exclusive to Scions on random basis

A necklace that provides 5 Links of Contract and additional skills Grants up to three skills among all skills only for Scions on a random basis

Special Ornaments that increase Prismatic Damage and All Elemental Resistances by combining other necklaces All Elemental Attacks +5 All Elemental Resistances +8% It cannot be equipped with other cloaks

Special Ornaments that increase Prismatic Damage and All Elemental Resistances by combining other necklaces All Elemental Attacks +6 All Elemental Resistances +9% It cannot be equipped with other cloaks

Special Ornaments that increase Prismatic Damage and All Elemental Resistances by combining other necklaces All Elemental Attacks +7 All Elemental Resistances +10% It cannot be equipped with other cloaks

Special Ornaments that increase Prismatic Damage and All Elemental Resistances by combining other necklaces All Elemental Attacks +8 All Elemental Resistances +11% It cannot be equipped with other cloaks

Special Ornaments that increase Prismatic Damage and All Elemental Resistances by combining other necklaces All Elemental Attacks +9 All Elemental Resistances +12% It cannot be equipped with other cloaks

Special Ornaments that increase Prismatic Damage and All Elemental Resistances by combining other necklaces All Elemental Attacks +10 All Elemental Resistances +13% It cannot be equipped with other cloaks

Special Ornaments that increase Prismatic Damage and All Elemental Resistances by combining other necklaces All Elemental Attacks +11 All Elemental Resistances +14% It cannot be equipped with other cloaks

Special Ornaments that increase Prismatic Damage and All Elemental Resistances by combining other necklaces All Elemental Attacks +12 All Elemental Resistances +15% It cannot be equipped with other cloaks

Special Prayer Stones for increasing Physical Resistance by combining with other ring accessories Resistance +5% It cannot be equipped with other Prayer Stones of Ring Spirit

Special Prayer Stones for increasing Physical Resistance by combining with other ring accessories Resistance +6% It cannot be equipped with other Prayer Stones of Ring Spirit

Special Prayer Stones for increasing Physical Resistance by combining with other ring accessories Resistance +7% It cannot be equipped with other Prayer Stones of Ring Spirit

Special Prayer Stones for increasing Physical Resistance by combining with other ring accessories Resistance +8% It cannot be equipped with other Prayer Stones of Ring Spirit

Special Prayer Stones for increasing Physical Resistance by combining with other ring accessories Resistance +9% It cannot be equipped with other Prayer Stones of Ring Spirit

Special Prayer Stones for increasing Physical Resistance by combining with other ring accessories Resistance +10% It cannot be equipped with other Prayer Stones of Ring Spirit

Special Prayer Stones for increasing Physical Resistance by combining with other ring accessories Resistance +11% It cannot be equipped with other Prayer Stones of Ring Spirit

Special Prayer Stones for increasing Physical Resistance by combining with other ring accessories Resistance +12% It cannot be equipped with other Prayer Stones of Ring Spirit

A pumpkin lantern that is used during Halloween It represents Halloween and is a big hit with the kids. Put it and the event items into the Refinery to make a Jack-O'-Lantern. 5 Evil-warding Pumpkins + 5 Soul-calling Candles + 5 Holy Oak Branches = Jack-O'-Lantern You can acquire various Pumpkin Heads if you use it. Contents: Pumpkin Head

A pumpkin that was grown just for Halloween It has special power to ward off evil energy, but at the same time it doesn't taste too good. Physical Damage +5 Duration: 10 min Cooldown: 12 min Enter it with the other items into the Refinery to make a Jack-O'-Lantern. 10 Evil-warding Pumpkins + 10 Soul-calling Candles + 10 Holy Oak Branches = Jack-O'-Lantern

Candle made of enchanted and special alchemic ingredients When the Spirit of the Dead sees the light, they come back into this world Be cautious, use it only during the Halloween season Defense +5 Duration: 10 min Cooldown: 12 min If you put this with other items into the Refinery, you can create a Jack-O'-Lantern 10 Evil-warding Pumpkins + 10 Soul-calling Candle + 10 Holy Oak Branch = Jack-O'-Lantern

Tree branch used to light pumpkin lantern It is said that Holy Oak Branch with elemental blessing sends unclean spirits away and brings good luck Max. HP +20% Duration: 10 min Cooldown: 12 min If you put this with other items into the Refinery, you can create a Jack-O'-Lantern 10 Evil-warding Pumpkins + 10 Soul-calling Candle + 10 Holy Oak Branch = Jack-O'-Lantern

Special box for Halloween event You can obtain a random items in this box

Special box for New mount You can obtain a random mount in this box

Special box for Halloween event You can obtain a random items in this box

Special box for Halloween event You can obtain a random items in this box

Reward Item for the Halloween Quest It contains two costumes for Sorcerers You can obtain one of them on random basis Contents: Monk's Robe <Sorcerer - 1 day> Tuxedo <Sorcerer - 1 day>

Reward Item for the Halloween Quest It contains two costumes for Swashbucklers You can obtain one of them on random basis Contents: Nun's Habit <Swashbuckler - 1 day> Wedding Dress <Swashbuckler - 1 day>

Reward Item for the Halloween Quest It contains two costumes for Rangers You can obtain one of them on random basis Contents: Nun's Habit <Ranger - 1 day> Wedding Dress <Ranger - 1 day>

Reward Item for the Halloween Quest It contains two costumes for Elementalists You can obtain one of them on random basis Contents: Nun's Habit <Elementalist - 1 day> Wedding Dress <Elementalist - 1 day>

Star-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Knight> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Damage +5 All Elemental Attacks +5 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Crescent-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Knight> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Defense +5 All Elemental Resistances +5% Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Triangular-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Knight> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet HP +10 Mana +10 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can reserve usage Suspension does not alter the Duration

Star-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Knight> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Damage +5 All Elemental Attacks +5 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Crescent-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Knight> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Defense +5 All Elemental Resistances +5% Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Triangular-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Knight> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet HP +10 Mana +10 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can reserve usage Suspension does not alter the Duration

Star-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Archer> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Damage +5 All Elemental Attacks +5 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Crescent-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Archer> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Defense +5 All Elemental Resistances +5% Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Triangular-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Archer> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet HP +10 Mana +10 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can reserve usage Suspension does not alter the Duration

Star-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Archer> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Damage +5 All Elemental Attacks +5 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Crescent-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Archer> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Defense +5 All Elemental Resistances +5% Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Triangular-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Archer> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet HP +10 Mana +10 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can reserve usage Suspension does not alter the Duration

Star-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Mage> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Damage +5 All Elemental Attacks +5 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Crescent-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Mage> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Defense +5 All Elemental Resistances +5% Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Triangular-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Mage> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet HP +10 Mana +10 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can reserve usage Suspension does not alter the Duration

Star-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Mage> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Damage +5 All Elemental Attacks +5 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Crescent-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Mage> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Defense +5 All Elemental Resistances +5% Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Triangular-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Mage> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet HP +10 Mana +10 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can reserve usage Suspension does not alter the Duration

Star-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Berserker> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Damage +5 All Elemental Attacks +5 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Crescent-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Berserker> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Defense +5 All Elemental Resistances +5% Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Triangular-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Berserker> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet HP +10 Mana +10 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can reserve usage Suspension does not alter the Duration

Star-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Berserker> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Damage +5 All Elemental Attacks +5 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Crescent-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Berserker> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Defense +5 All Elemental Resistances +5% Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Triangular-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Berserker> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet HP +10 Mana +10 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can reserve usage Suspension does not alter the Duration

Star-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Hunter> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Damage +5 All Elemental Attacks +5 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Crescent-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Hunter> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Defense +5 All Elemental Resistances +5% Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Triangular-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Hunter> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet HP +10 Mana +10 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can reserve usage Suspension does not alter the Duration

Star-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Hunter> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Damage +5 All Elemental Attacks +5 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Crescent-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Hunter> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Defense +5 All Elemental Resistances +5% Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Triangular-Eye Blue Pumpkinhead <Hunter> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet HP +10 Mana +10 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can reserve usage Suspension does not alter the Duration

Star-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Sorcerer> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Damage +5 All Elemental Attacks +5 Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration

Crescent-Eye Orange Pumpkinhead <Sorcerer> It can be freely mounted on or removed from a helmet Defense +5 All Elemental Resistances +5% Bonus XP +5% Drop Rate +10% Bonus Gold +5% Duration: 1 hour Can be toggled On/Off. Toggling would not affect the Duration