Level 4, Attack Prayer Stone Physical Damage +8

Level 5, Attack Prayer Stone Physical Damage +10

Level 6, Attack Prayer Stone Physical Damage +12

Level 4, Attack Accuracy Prayer Stone Attack Rating +10

Level 5, Attack Accuracy Prayer Stone Attack Rating +12

Level 6, Attack Accuracy Prayer Stone Attack Rating +14

Cold Prayer Stone Lv 4 Ice Damage +14

Cold Prayer Stone Lv 5 Ice Damage +16

Cold Prayer Stone Lv 6 Ice Damage +18

Thunder Prayer Stone Lv 4 Thunder Damage +14

Thunder Prayer Stone Lv 5 Thunder Damage +16

Thunder Prayer Stone Lv 6 Thunder Damage +18

Deadly Poison Prayer Stone Lv 4 Poison Damage +14

Deadly Poison Prayer Stone Lv 5 Poison Damage +16

Deadly Poison Prayer Stone Lv 6 Poison Damage +18

Shield Resistance Prayer Stone Lv 4 All Elemental Resistances +4% Cannot be stacked with other Shield Resistance Prayer Stones

Shield Resistance Prayer Stone Lv 5 All Elemental Resistances +5% Cannot be stacked with other Shield Resistance Prayer Stones

Shield Resistance Prayer Stone Lv 6 All Elemental Resistances +6% Cannot be stacked with other Shield Resistance Prayer Stones

Level 4, Critical Hit Prayer Stone Critical Damage +22% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Critical Hit Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Deadly Prayer Stones.

Level 5, Critical Hit Prayer Stone Critical Damage +24% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Critical Hit Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Deadly Prayer Stones.

Level 6, Critical Hit Prayer Stone Critical Damage +26% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Critical Hit Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Deadly Prayer Stones.

Level 4, Blocking Accuracy Prayer Stone Block +8%

Level 5, Blocking Accuracy Prayer Stone Block +9%

Level 6, Blocking Accuracy Prayer Stone Block +10%

Level 4, Defense Prayer Stone Defense +5

Level 5, Defense Prayer Stone Defense +6

Level 6, Defense Prayer Stone Defense +7

Level 4, Life Prayer Stone HP +800 It cannot be attached together with other Life prayer stones

Level 5, Life Prayer Stone HP +1000 It cannot be attached together with other Life prayer stones

Level 6, Life Prayer Stone HP +1200 It cannot be attached together with other Life prayer stones

Level 4, Mana Prayer Stone Mana +800 Can not be stacked with other Mana prayer stones

Level 5, Mana Prayer Stone Mana +1000 Can not be stacked with other Mana prayer stones