Level 4, Heroic Attack Prayer Stone Heroic Damage +40

Level 5, Heroic Attack Prayer Stone Heroic Damage +50

Level 6, Heroic Attack Prayer Stone Heroic Damage +60

Level 4, Ranged Heroic Resistance Prayer Stone Ranged Heroic Resistance +8% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Physical Uplift Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Absolute Defense Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Indomitable Prayer Stones.

Level 5, Ranged Heroic Resistance Prayer Stone Ranged Heroic Resistance +10% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Physical Uplift Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Absolute Defense Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Indomitable Prayer Stones.

Level 6, Ranged Heroic Resistance Prayer Stone Ranged Heroic Resistance +12% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Physical Uplift Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Absolute Defense Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Indomitable Prayer Stones.

Level 4, Melee Heroic Resistance Prayer Stone Melee Heroic Resistance +8% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Physical Uplift Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Absolute Defense Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Indomitable Prayer Stones.

Level 5, Melee Heroic Resistance Prayer Stone Melee Heroic Resistance +10% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Physical Uplift Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Absolute Defense Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Indomitable Prayer Stones.

Level 6, Melee Heroic Resistance Prayer Stone Melee Heroic Resistance +12% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Physical Uplift Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Absolute Defense Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Indomitable Prayer Stones.

Level 4, Magic Heroic Resistance Prayer Stone Magic Heroic Resistance +8% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Physical Uplift Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Absolute Defense Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Indomitable Prayer Stones.

Level 5, Magic Heroic Resistance Prayer Stone Magic Heroic Resistance +10% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Physical Uplift Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Absolute Defense Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Indomitable Prayer Stones.

Level 6, Magic Heroic Resistance Prayer Stone Magic Heroic Resistance +12% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Physical Uplift Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Absolute Defense Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Indomitable Prayer Stones.

Level 4, Heroic Resistance Prayer Stone Heroic Resistance +4% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Physical Uplift Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Absolute Defense Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Indomitable Prayer Stones.

Level 5, Heroic Resistance Prayer Stone Heroic Resistance +5% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Physical Uplift Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Absolute Defense Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Indomitable Prayer Stones.

Level 6, Heroic Resistance Prayer Stone Heroic Resistance +6% It cannot be reinforced in conjunction with other Physical Uplift Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Absolute Defense Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Indomitable Prayer Stones.

Level 4, Unstable Affliction Prayer Stone Increases Elemental/Dim/Normal DoT by +14% Increases Heroic DoT by +3%

Level 5, Unstable Affliction Prayer Stone Increases Elemental/Dim/Normal DoT by +17% Increases Heroic DoT by +4%

Level 6, Unstable Affliction Prayer Stone Increases Elemental/Dim/Normal DoT by +20% Increases Heroic DoT by +5%

Level 4, Purification Prayer Stone Decreases Elemental/Dim/Normal DoT by +8% Decreases Heroic DoT by +11%

Level 5, Purification Prayer Stone Decreases Elemental/Dim/Normal DoT by +9% Decreases Heroic DoT by +13%

Level 6, Purification Prayer Stone Decreases Elemental/Dim/Normal DoT by +10% Decreases Heroic DoT by +15%

Level 4, Quickness Tenacity Prayer Stone Movement Speed Tenacity +11%

Level 5, Quickness Tenacity Prayer Stone Movement Speed Tenacity +13%

Level 6, Quickness Tenacity Prayer Stone Movement Speed Tenacity +15%

Level 4, Light Speed Tenacity Prayer Stone Attack Speed Tenacity +11%

Level 5, Light Speed Tenacity Prayer Stone Attack Speed Tenacity +13%

Level 6, Light Speed Tenacity Prayer Stone Attack Speed Tenacity +15%

Level 4, Casting Time Tenacity Prayer Stone Casting Time Tenacity +24%

Level 5, Casting Time Tenacity Prayer Stone Casting Time Tenacity +27%

Level 6, Casting Time Tenacity Prayer Stone Casting Time Tenacity +30%

Level 4, Cooldown Time Tenacity Prayer Stone Cooldown Time Tenacity +11%

Level 5, Cooldown Time Tenacity Prayer Stone Cooldown Time Tenacity +13%

Level 6, Cooldown Time Tenacity Prayer Stone Cooldown Time Tenacity +15%

Crest obtained from Ignatus in the Dread Wastes It is used to create Lv 5 Combined Prayer Stones.

Crest obtained from Lord of Tyranny in the Dread Wastes It is used to create Lv 5 Combined Prayer Stones.

Crest obtained from Fate Insect in the Dread Wastes It is used to create Lv 6 Combined Prayer Stones.

Crest obtained from Balor King in the Dread Wastes It is used to create Lv 6 Combined Prayer Stones.

Level 6, Combined Deadly Prayer Stone Damage +12 Critical Hit Rate +26% It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Deadly Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Critical Hit Prayer Stones.

Level 6, Combined Magical Power Prayer Stone Mana +1200 Restores 450 mana every 2 seconds. Reduces Skill Casting/Cooldown Time by 8%. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Magical Power Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Sage Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Spirit Uplift Prayer Stones.

Level 6, Combined Life Prayer Stone HP +1200 Restores 450 HP every 2 seconds. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Life Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Prayer Stones of Vitality. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Stamina Buff Prayer Stones.

Level 6, Combined Sage Prayer Stone Wisdom +55 Intelligence +60 Mana +17% It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Sage Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Magical Power Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Spirit Uplift Prayer Stones.

Level 6, Combined Elemental Prayer Stone Ice Elemental Damage +18 Lightning Elemental Damage +18 Poison Elemental Damage +18 It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Elemental Prayer Stones.

Level 6, Combined Impregnability Prayer Stone Skill Block Rate +13% Block Rate +10% It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Impregnable Prayer Stones.

Level 6, Combined Indomitable Prayer Stone 5% chance to convert 32% of damage received into restored health Ice / Lightning / Poison Elemental Resistance +18% It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Indomitable Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Absolute Defense Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Physical Resistance Prayer Stones.

Level 6, Combined High Speed Prayer Stone Agility +60 Movement Speed +12% Attack Speed +18% It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other High Speed Prayer Stones. It cannot be equipped in conjunction with other Light Speed Prayer Stones.

Max HP +20% Max MP +20%

Max HP +20% Max MP +20%

Max HP +20% Max MP +20%

Max HP +20% Max MP +20%

Max HP +20% Max MP +20%