Allows you to perfect your armor and weapon Select a single prestige bonus stat which you can re-roll. Changes an existing magical property on your equipment. Obtained in Ruinhold. Requires 25 Prestige Levels in exchange for use.

Allows you to perfect your armor and weapon Select a single prestige bonus stat which you can re-roll into a new property. Changes an existing magical property on your equipment into a new property of a different type. Obtained in the Ruinhold. Requires 25 Prestige Levels in exchange for use.

Obtained through the Ruinhold Expansion Chest. If you refine it with Pet Reinforcement Manual, you can obtain Blade Robber <Rank 3> with 100% chance Additional Ability: Ignores Defense with 1% chance during Attack Ignores All Elemental Resistances with 1% chance during Attack Decreases the damage from Critical Hits by 1% Movement Speed +1% All Stats +4 Automatically gains items and gold in the field Pet Inventory V key

Obtained through the Ruinhold Expansion Chest. If you refine it with Pet Reinforcement Manual, you can obtain Blade Robber <Rank 4> with 50% chance Additional Ability: Ignores Defense with 2% chance during Attack Ignores All Elemental Resistances with 2% chance during Attack Decreases the damage from Critical Hits by 1% Movement Speed +1% All Stats +6 Automatically gains items and gold in the field Pet Inventory V key

Obtained through the Ruinhold Expansion Chest. If you refine it with Pet Reinforcement Manual, you can obtain Blade Robber <Rank 5> with 40% chance Additional Ability: Ignores Defense with 3% chance during Attack Ignores All Elemental Resistances with 3% chance during Attack Decreases the damage from Critical Hits by 3% Movement Speed +3% All Stats +8 Automatically gains items and gold in the field Pet Inventory V key

Obtained through the Ruinhold Expansion Chest. If you refine it with Pet Reinforcement Manual, you can obtain Blade Robber <Rank 6> with 30% chance Additional Ability: Ignores Defense with 3% chance during Attack Ignores All Elemental Resistances with 3% chance during Attack Decreases the damage from Critical Hits by 4% Movement Speed +4% All Stats +10 Automatically gains items and gold in the field Pet Inventory V key

Obtained through the Ruinhold Expansion Chest. If you refine it with Pet Reinforcement Manual, you can obtain Blade Robber <Rank 7> with 20% chance Additional Ability: Ignores Defense with 4% chance during Attack Ignores All Elemental Resistances with 4% chance during Attack Decreases the damage from Critical Hits by 5% Movement Speed +5% All Stats +12 Automatically gains items and gold in the field Pet Inventory V key

Obtained through the Ruinhold Expansion Chest. If you refine it with Pet Reinforcement Manual, you can obtain Blade Robber <Rank 8> with 10% chance Additional Ability: Ignores Defense with 5% chance during Attack Ignores All Elemental Resistances with 5% chance during Attack Decreases the damage from Critical Hits by 6% Movement Speed +6% All Stats +14 Automatically gains items and gold in the field Pet Inventory V key

Obtained through the Ruinhold Expansion Chest. If you refine it with Pet Reinforcement Manual, you can obtain Blade Robber <Rank 9> with 10% chance Additional Ability: Ignores Defense with 7% chance during Attack Ignores All Elemental Resistances with 7% chance during Attack Decreases the damage from Critical Hits by 7% Movement Speed +7% All Stats +16 Automatically gains items and gold in the field Pet Inventory V key

Obtained through the Ruinhold Expansion Chest. If you refine it with Pet Reinforcement Manual, you can obtain Blade Robber <Rank 10> with 10% chance Additional Ability: Ignores Defense with 8% chance during Attack Ignores All Elemental Resistances with 8% chance during Attack Decreases the damage from Critical Hits by 8% Movement Speed +8% All Stats +18 Automatically gains items and gold in the field Pet Inventory V key

Obtained through the Ruinhold Expansion Chest. Cannot be refined anymore Additional Ability: Ignores Defense with 10% chance during Attack Ignores All Elemental Resistances with 10% chance during Attack Decreases the damage from Critical Hits by 10% Movement Speed +10% All Stats +20 Automatically gains items and gold in the field Pet Inventory V key

Special Prayer Stones for increasing Physical Resistance by combining with other ring accessories Resistance +11% It cannot be equipped with other Prayer Stones of Ring Spirit

Special Prayer Stones for increasing Physical Resistance by combining with other ring accessories Resistance +12% It cannot be equipped with other Prayer Stones of Ring Spirit

Special Ornaments that increase Prismatic Damage and All Elemental Resistances by combining other necklaces All Elemental Attacks +11 All Elemental Resistances +14% It cannot be equipped with other cloaks

Special Ornaments that increase Prismatic Damage and All Elemental Resistances by combining other necklaces All Elemental Attacks +12 All Elemental Resistances +15% It cannot be equipped with other cloaks

Reinforces your Necklace item to boost Ice / Lightning / Poison Damage or Resistance Ice / Lightning / Poison Damage +11 Ice / Lightning / Poison Resistance +14% It cannot be equipped with other cloaks

Reinforces your Necklace item to boost Ice / Lightning / Poison Damage or Resistance Ice / Lightning / Poison Damage +12 Ice / Lightning / Poison Resistance +15% It cannot be equipped with other cloaks