Performs an Attack on a target and temporarily decreases its Movement Speed.
Performs an Attack on a target and temporarily decreases its Attack Speed.
Temporarily increases Defense.
Temporarily increases Xenon-type Damages.
Temporarily increases Karon-type Damages.
[Party] Temporarily recovers HP of you and nearby party members.
Performs an Attack on targets within a certain radius and temporarily decreases their Defense.
[Party] Temporarily increases Elemental Resistance of you and nearby party members.
Performs an Attack on a target, with a chance of temporarily stunning it.
[Party] Temporarily increases chance of converting some of your damage taken into HP. Increases Skill Block / Block and HP of you and your party members.
Temporarily increases Damage and Skill Cast Time by sacrificing Defense.
Performs an Attack on targets in a straight line and temporarily decreases their Critical Hit Resistance and Critical Hit Rate.
Moves a short distance instantly and performs a powerful Attack on a target. Teleport effect has a cooldown of 0.5s.
Increases Resistance\Increases Critical Hit Resistance Increase Defense Increases Skill Block Rate Increases Block Rate
Temporarily reduces Physical Defense / Physical Damage / Skill Block and Block after an attack within range around you.
Removes all hostile debuffs. Max. Cooldown Effectiveness: 70%
Performs an Attack on a target and decreases the movement speed.
Increases Critical Hit Rate\Increases Critical Hit Attack Increase Damage Increases Air Elemental Attack Increases Attack Success Rate