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Powerful magic book that has scary spells

Magic potion turbid gray in color

Every action of those who drink this potion will be watched

Magic potion requested by Tirin

Remains of those who died unfairly

The remains of those who were put to death

The remains of those who were killed violently

Frightening remains of ghost thief

The symbol that gives absolute power to the undead

Powerful magic book that contains vampire spells

One of the legendary magic tools

The jar used by Maryliths for hatching

The jar used by Maryliths for hatching

The jar used by Maryliths for hatching

The source of a gargoyle bolt's strong electrical power

Box made to protect contaminated swords

The Box is said to contain one hundred swords

The Box sealed with curse by resurrection ritual

Gnome's cherishing treasure

The Box with dark energy

The magic stone that used to be nailed into the Blue Woman statue of Delfaras

The crystallization of the earth power

The crystallization of the earth power

The crystallization of the earth power

The crystallization of the earth power

One eye of viper king Meizo

Bottle engraved with a incomprehensible name on it

Document about the secret of the lizardman claw region

Magic document that can open all locks

Documents about the traditions of the royal family and protective magics

Very important information about thieves

The document that holds secret missions

Clean water with almost perfect purity

Ordinary bottle without any value

The hot jewel that is one of the ancient magic tools

Rare book that has the literature of ancestors