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Traveler's items that are stolen by Spriggans

Sydney's stolen jewellery box

This box looks cute for no apparent reason

Legendary Box, the contents of which is unknown

Substance for dyes of many colors

Flowers for dyes used to color armors

Flowers offered to ancestors for mourning

Mourning flower

Sad flower that blossomed where someone died

Mysterious flower that blossoms only in deserts

Mysterious flower that blossoms only in deserts

Mysterious flower that blossoms only in deserts

Traveler's items that are stolen by Spriggans

This necklace was used by Lamunesil

Marylith liquid Vissil's necklace

The ring that is thought to be owned by grandson of a nobleman

One of the legendary magic tools

The water with absolute cleanness

Spice with scents that bats hate

Illegible document of delegate

Magic scroll that prevents death

Magic scroll that prevents death

Secret document of those who follow Usus

Secret document of those who follow Usus

Secret document of those who follow Usus

Secret document of those who follow Usus

Scroll of strong ancient magic

Scroll with great content

Treasure map that used to be owned by lizardman

Newly created limelight map

This map was handed over to the trolls

Another map that helps understand the torn map

This old map is said to have been created by Zian

The bag which holds all that Windboar Imp has

Documents containing the Spriggans plans

Mysterious mark that is said to have been owned by Zian

Magic talisman that belongs to Rock Torge

Landmark used by goblins

Talisman that sustains magical power

It is said that this talisman gives the ability to fly