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A document needed to combine Attack Prayer Stone <Lv3> The ingredients are written on it. Ingredients: 10 Attack Prayer Stones <Lv2> Attack Prayer Stone <Lv3> Combination Manual 100,000 Gold

Defense Prayer Stone (Lv2) Combination Manual 5 Defense Prayer Stones (Lv1) 50,000 Gold

Defense Prayer Stone (Lv3) Combination Manual 10 Defense Prayer Stones (Lv2) 100,000 Gold

Regardless of Combat status, able to move back to the last visited village

An item that enables the user to speak certain sentence.

Used for firework display

Insert into a Necklace Movement speed +10%

Medium to move to Rensphere

A ring that when worn by the player increases their resistance to physical attacks Adds + 5 physical attack resistance points

A ring that when worn by the player increases their maximum health points by a set percentage. Adds + 10% maximum health points

A ring that when worn by the player increases their physical attack points (ie. The amount of damage they can do). Adds + 5 physical attack points

A ring that when worn by the player increases their resistance to spirit attacks Adds + 10% resistance to all spirit attacks

A ring that when worn by the player increases all their basic stats by a certain amount. Adds + 5 to all stats

A necklace that when worn by the player increases their chance to block attacks Adds + 5% to attack blocking skill

A necklace that when worn by the player increases their basic movement speed. Adds + 10% move speed points

A necklace that when worn by the player increases their attack speed Adds + 10% attack speed points

A necklace that when worn by the player increases their damage mitigation Adds + 5 physical defence points

A necklace that when worn by the player increases their damage done by spirit spells Adds + 2 to all spirit attack points

A necklace that when worn by the player increases their overall health points. Add + 50 health points

A potion that transforms the user into Mysterio. Has limited number of uses. Adds + 20% attack speed Adds + 50 health point

A potion that transforms the user into a Pharaoh King. Has limited number of uses. Adds + 10 physical attack damage point Adds + 50 health point

A potion that transforms the user into a Erinyes General. Has limited number of uses. Adds + 25% move speed Adds + 150 health point

A potion that transforms the user into a Bronze Dragon Seed. Has limited number of uses. Adds + 10 defence points Adds + 100 health points

Black sword of Darman

Black sheath of Darman

Marylith noble's staff

Bottle containing the tears of a stone statue

Secret Hobgoblin documents

Jambeau embroidered by Gylton

Blue tinted eggplant

The small bug that Gustof seeks

Urulka's Signal Flare

Stone Fragment that Bolanmar seeks

Key hidden in Village Camp

Leranche's missing safe

Brightly shining stone

Maran Moonstone used for alchemy

A piece of a Wyvern's wing

A small bottle filled with moss

A mark that reveals a thief

Caralen made this Lunch box for Sara Hyren

Sara gave you this Lily Bouquet

Pouch containing blue sand

Tail cut from a Dreadwolf

Contains Honey for use in medicine production

Centaur's rough air stones

A pouch containing small pebbles

A necklace made from threaded pebbles

Didier is looking for this seaweed

A leaf found on Caravan Road

A Ring that Lariane wore

An old phrase taken from the fallen statue

A box of old candles

A Branch found in the Bump Field

This feather belongs to Harpy Lidina

Lidina's most treasured jewel

Moss from Persuer Plateau

Marylith Letche's necklace

The foot of a statue found in Battna Site

Bottle containing dew from the Temple of Time

Spores found at the Spores of Joy

You received this Horn from Dilan

Blue stone found near the Boundary Stone

This bow was used by Gunar

A young sprout of the holy tree

This Hara plant was found on Caravan Road

This huge egg was found in a Griffin's nest

This bat's egg was found in Dusty Creek

A bracelet worn by Aigle

Lost cargo box

Soil from the Pandaram plateau

Lardet lost this glass kettle

This Stake was found in Grand Crimson

A claw taken from Harpy Harupien

Broken weapon found on Storm Road

Harpy Lin's feather

Crown of Lord Naxia

Spider's egg found in Lufut Land

Cargo box that Leranche seeks

Epitaph that Sara Hyren delivered

Phrase that Elkain passed

This tree branch was found in Vampire Village

A Bran's egg found in Ghost Valley

Euriale Soldier 's skull

Proof of the bow that Gorgan seeks

Gorgan's letter addressed to Reduros

Broken sculpture that Koop seeks

Necklace worn by Walaya Bodyguards

Pouch containing a vampire's hand

Rough Magic Stone found in Old Cabin

Magic armor that Salirenen forged

Helmet worn by Darman

Crest carried by Faren's servants

Club used by defender's

Proof of Queen found on the Glory Port

A sealed letter addressed to Sharin Hyren