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A manual giving instruction on how to package a Gift for a Hunter

A manual giving instruction on how to package a Gift for a Sorcerer

A manual giving instruction on how to package a Gift for a Ranger

A manual giving instruction on how to package a Gift for an Elementalist

A Gift wrapped for a Mage

A gift fit for a Berserker

A Gift labelled 'For a true Hunter'

A Gift wrapped for a Sorcerer

A Gift fit for a Ranger

A gift wrapped for an Elementalist

An ingredient trimmed from the meat of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient trimmed from the meat of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient trimmed from the meat of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient trimmed from the skin of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient trimmed from the skin of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient trimmed from the skin of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient trimmed from the horn of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient trimmed from the horn of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient trimmed from the horn of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient trimmed from the leather of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient trimmed from the leather of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient trimmed from the leather of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient trimmed from the feathers of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient trimmed from the feathers of a monster Used in Adavanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient trimmed from the feathers of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient trimmed from the scale of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient trimmed from the scale of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient trimmed from the scale of a monster Used in Master Alchemy

An ingredient trimmed from the tooth of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient trimmed from the tooth of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient trimmed from the tooth of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient trimmed from the tail of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient trimmed from the tail of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient trimmed from the tail of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient trimmed from the stem of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient trimmed from the stem of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient trimmed from the stem of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient trimmed from the bones of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient trimmed from the bones of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient trimmed from the bones of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient trimmed from the stone of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient trimmed from the stone of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient trimmed from the stone of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient trimmed from the broken blade of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient trimmed from the broken blade of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient trimmed from the broken blade of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient trimmed from the bug meat of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient trimmed from the bug meat of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient trimmed from the bug meat of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient found and trimmed from the spider web of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A premium ingredient found and trimmed from the spider web of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient found and trimmed from the spider web of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient found and trimmed from the bell of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient found and trimmed from the spider web of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient found and trimmed from the spider web of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient extracted and trimmed from the claw of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient extracted and trimmed from the claw of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient extracted and trimmed from the claw of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

An ingredient cut and trimmed from the organs of a monster Used in Cooking and Alchemy

A rare ingredient cut and trimmed from the organs of a monster Used in Advanced Cooking and Alchemy

A finest ingredient cut and trimmed from the organs of a monster Used in Master Cooking and Alchemy

Increases the chances for success of creating the Lowest alchemy box with alchemy

Increases the chances for success of creating the low alchemy box with alchemy

Increases the chances for success of creating the beginner alchemy box with alchemy

Increases the chances for success of creating the Intermediate alchemy box with alchemy

Increases the chances for success of creating the advanced alchemy box with alchemy

Increases the chances for success of creating the expert alchemy box with alchemy

Increases the chances for success of creating the High Alchemy Box with alchemy

Increases the chances for success of creating the Finest Alchemy Box with alchemy

Increases the chances for success of creating the legendary alchemy box with alchemy

Increases the chances for success of creating a sage's stone with alchemy

The Lowest alchemy box created by alchelmists that exhibit rare skills There is an item in that box

The low alchemy box created by alchelmists that exhibit rare skills There is an item in that box

The beginner alchemy box created by alchelmists that exhibit rare skills There is an item in that

The Intermediate alchemy box created by alchelmists that exhibit rare skills There is an item in that box

The advanced alchemy box created by alchelmists that exhibit rare skills There is an item in that box

The expert alchemy box created by alchelmists that exhibit rare skills There is an item in that box

The High Alchemy Box created by alchelmists that exhibit rare skills There is an item in that box

The Finest Alchemy Box created by alchelmists that exhibit rare skills There is an item in that box

The legendary alchemy box told of in legends passed down the generations Only alchemists who have reached the pinnacle of their skills can make this box There is an item in that box

A mysterious sage's stone that only few alchemists can create and unleash its secrets There seems to be an item embedded within