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Using this will teleport you to the Poison Realm Cannot be used during combat or in dangerous Battle area.

A transmuted Gold Coin worth 10 million gold created through Alchemy

A transmuted Silver Coin worth 1 million gold created through Alchemy

Used for combining Gold Coin of the Rich 5 Gold Nuggets 1 Gold Coin Combination Manual 10000000 Gold

Manual for combining the Silver Coin of the Rich Used with 5 Silver Nuggets and 1,000,000 Gold

A secret letter written by the hunter Furgeson

A ruby that records and sees everything surrounding it through magical powers

A sapphire that records and sees everything surrounding it through magical powers

An opal that records and sees everything surrounding it through magical powers

A magic bottle that collects the souls of dead elves to rest in peace

A necklace given to Wilcot by his lover

A book about various ancient records of importance regarding vampires

A herb that grows in the Glory Port

A herb that grows in the Glory Port

A herb that grows in the Glory Port

A pouch that contains medicine made by Mediterus

A marble that absorbs souls with the evil powers of Nordenland

A historical object that was used to help the MoonElves escape in the past

A support beam that can withstand a boulder

A ring that is engraved with a traditional Gnome pattern

A document of various Gnome records

A map that displays the location of ancient Gnome records

A ring that is needed to open ancient records

A ring that is needed to open ancient records

A ring that is needed to open ancient records

A box that contains ancient records and three rings

Borun's left horn engraved with a code

Borun's right horn engraved with a code

A box containing two horns

A certificate that comes from a MoonElf statue

A certificate that comes from a MoonElf statue

A certificate that comes from a MoonElf statue

A certificate that comes from a MoonElf statue

A map with very complex directions to the legendary cave of Simmond

Leftovers of a damaged weapon swallowed by a metal golem

A jewelled necklace engraved with the name Usus

A tombstone fragment inscribed with the name Usus

A tool cherished by Defoe The most of all locks can be opened

A mysterious treasure chest

An old map that displays the location of Usus' treasure

The word 'Strength' is written in the Dark Sentio language

The word 'Honour' is written in the Dark Sentio language

The word 'Glory' is written in the Dark Sentio language

A medicine bottle containing strange powder

Magic Stone with unidentified magic energy

Usus' ridiculous letter

A letter regarding an attack on a bandit village

A good Zweihander used by Merchants

A ring proving that Mortar had made a contract with monsters

A map that displays the location of Mortar's contract ring

A dictionary that explains languages and sounds of various races

A firework that produces an extravagant lightning strike

A slate that explains about a ring in detail

A diary of the journeyman Carl

A secret letter given to a Succubus from someone unknown

A magical plate that calls upon love according to forbidden spells

A magic book that translates the words of monsters

A magic device used to find lost objects

Zangief's letter to Guel

A wanted poster of Harrt's murderer

Harrt's belongings that were confiscated by a Pilborg Soldier

A box containing Amancourt's records

Mysterious Boar Hide that shines in the moonlight

Feathers from the Hawkarrow King's tail

A leather pouch that is tightly sealed shut

A document believed to have been left by Sirenen before his death

This item gives you an additional 20% XP and 10% Gold for 1 day during hunting On/Off

If you collect 3 of each Blessing of Health, Blessing of Wealth, and Blessing of Love (9 items in total) and combine them, you will receive the Lucky 2007 Package that includes various gifts Same effects as Large Healing Potion

If you collect 3 of each Blessing of Health, Blessing of Wealth, and Blessing of Love (9 items in total) and combine them, you will receive the Lucky 2007 Package that includes various gifts Same effects as Large Healing Potion

If you collect 3 of each Blessing of Health, Blessing of Wealth, and Blessing of Love (9 items in total) and combine them, you will receive the Lucky 2007 Package that includes various gifts Same effects as Large Healing Potion

Click mouse right button and random gift item will be given.

Combination manual for Lucky 2007 item 3 Blessings of Wealth 3 Blessings of Love 3 Blessings of Health

Reward for Quest Reinforce your weapons and armors

Reward for Quest Revive your character where your character died Cannot be used in Battle area Cooldowns: 30 minutes

Magical material gives you another title Using command to get title Command: [/nick 16 characters]

Reset all your skills You can reset all your skills

Magic material that releases Links of Contract If you put this on an item you want to reset, the Link of Contract will be released All Prayer Stones, Elemental Stones and Chantra items will be destroyed You cannot regain them

Pet Scroll in the Pet Box Pet's name is <Ramda> Pet follows character everywhere like a shadow and increases Damage Duration: 90 days Can reserve usage but this will not alter Duration

A Health potion that is only useable in the Guild Battle Square

Cloak Item with Power of Ice Increases Ice Damage and Ice Resistance Ice Damage +5 Ice Resistance +8% For 5 hours On/Off

Cloak Item with Power of Lightning Increases Lightning Damage and Lightning Resistance Lightning Damage +5 Lightning Resistance +8% For 5 hours On/Off

Cloak Item with Power of Poison Increases Poison Damage and Poison Resistance Poison Damage +5 Poison Resistance +8% For 5 hours On/Off

Combine 3 Cake Slices and 3 Anniversary Cakes with your classes relevant combination manual to receive a special Gift Increases your Damage and Defense by +3 for 5 minutes Cooldown: 5 minutes

Combine 3 Anniversary Cakes and 3 Cake Slices with your classes relevant combination manual to receive a special Gift Increases your Damage and Defense by +5 for 5 minutes Cooldown: 5 minutes

A Gift fit for a Knight

Combination manual for an Anniversary Ring

Combination manual for an Anniversary Necklace

A Ring commemorating the Archlords 1st Anniversary

A Necklace commemorating the Archlords 1st Anniversary

Used when creating one of the Anniversary jewellery items

Pet Scroll in the Pet Box Pet's name is <Mercoon> Pet follows character everywhere like a shadow and increases Damage Duration: 90 days Can reserve usage but this will not alter Duration

Pet Scroll in the Pet Box Pet's name is <Abrahya> Pet follows character everywhere like a shadow and increases Damage Duration: 90 days Can reserve usage but this will not alter Duration

2-year Anniversary event item The box contains pet scroll

A Gift labelled 'For a true Archer'

A manual giving instruction on how to package a Gift for a Knight

A manual giving instruction on how to package a Gift for an Archer

A manual giving instruction on how to package a Gift for a Mage

A manual giving instruction on how to package a Gift for a Berserker