Temporarily increases Heroic Attack Power, Physical Damage and Fire Elemental Damage.
Powerful Magic Heroic Attack within range
Increases Heroic Resistance, as well as increases Movement Speed if a Staff is equipped. This is a passive skill.
Temporarily causes Cower with a certain chance after a powerful Magic Heroic Attack within range.
Temporarily causes Fear with a certain chance after a powerful Magic Heroic Attack within range.
Heroic Damage increases and Skill Casting Time decreases Second Elemental Damage increases
Temporarily causes Disease with a certain chance after a powerful Magic Heroic Attack within range around you.
Powerful Magic Heroic Attack on a ranged target
Increases Movement Speed, Attack Speed and Heroic Attack Power if a weapon is equipped. This is a passive skill.
Powerful Heroic Melee attack
[Party] Temporarily increases Skill Block Rate, Earth Elemental Damage and Physical Damage of your party members within range.
Powerful Melee Heroic Attack within range around you
Increases Heroic Attack Power, Magic Heroic Damage Defenses and Movement Speed by growing stronger muscles. This is a passive skill.
Temporarily causes Fear with a certain chance after a powerful Melee Heroic Attack.
Pulls a target towards the caster after a Melee Heroic Attack on a Ranged target. Target's HP decreases
Temporarily increases Block Rate and Heroic Defense
Temporarily causes Chaos with a certain chance after a powerful Melee Heroic Attack within range around you.
Temporarily uses the powerful thirst for blood to reduce all Heroic Damage and increases all Heroic Attack Power.
Reduces Magic and Melee Heroic Damage, as well as increases Heroic Defense if a Crossbow is equipped. This is a passive skill.
Powerful Ranged Heroic Attack within range
[Party] Temporarily increases Dodge and Melee Heroic Damage Defense of your party members within range.
Powerful Ranged Heroic Attack in a line.
Reduces Ranged and Melee Heroic Damage, as well as Skill Casting time if a Crossbow is equipped. This is a passive skill.
Temporarily causes Chaos with a certain chance after a powerful Ranged Heroic Attack within range.
Temporarily causes Frenzy with a certain chance after a powerful Ranged Heroic Attack within range.
Heroic Defense increases and duration of the caster's negative skills decreases Heroic Damage increases but Skill Block Rate and HP decrease
Temporarily causes Cower with a certain chance after a powerful Ranged Heroic Attack within range.
Temporarily reduces all Heroic Damage dealt to you within range.
Increases Movement Speed and the caster's Ranged Heroic Damage Defense if a Wand is equipped. This is a passive skill.
Powerful Magic Heroic Attack within range
Temporarily increases the level of the caster's Skeleton Warriors and their Heroic Attack Power and Heroic Defense.
Powerful Magic Heroic Attack in a line.
Increases duration of the caster's negative skills and reduces Skill Casting Time if a Wand is equipped Elemental Damage, Dimensional Damage and Heroic Damage increases It is a Passive Skill
Temporarily causes Disease with a certain chance after a powerful Magic Heroic Attack in a line.
Temporarily causes Hold with a certain chance after a powerful Magic Heroic Attack within range.
[Target] Removes negative effects on your selected target within range. Removes 1 negative effect per rank Max. Cooldown Effectiveness: 0%
Temporarily causes Fear with a certain chance after a powerful Magic Heroic Attack in a line.
Temporarily reduces the caster's Skill Casting time. Reduces Attack Speed and deals Heroic Damage Over Time to a target attacking the caster.
Reduces Magic and Melee Heroic Damage, as well as increases Heroic Defense if a Dagger is equipped. This is a passive skill.
Powerful Heroic Melee attack
[Party] Temporarily increases Skill Block Rate, Heroic Defense and Movement Speed of your party members within range.
Powerful Melee Heroic Attack in a line.
Increases Ranged and Magic Heroic Damage Defenses, as well as Heroic Attack Power if a Dagger is equipped. This is a passive skill.
Pulls a target towards the caster after a Melee Heroic Attack on a Ranged target. Target's Elemental Resistance decreases
Temporarily causes Chaos with a certain chance after a powerful Melee Heroic Attack within range around you.
Temporarily reduces the duration of debuffs.
Temporarily causes Cower with a certain chance after a powerful Melee Heroic Attack within range around you.
Temporarily causes Fear with a certain chance after a Melee Heroic Attack within range around you. Requires a weapon to be equipped
Increases Attack Speed, Movement Speed and duration of the caster's debuffs if a weapon is equipped. This is a passive skill.
Powerful Ranged Heroic Attack within range